D a t a   S h e e t
Name of Religious Site: Sri Sri Radha Manohara Temple
Tradition: Hare Krishna Hinduism, a form of Vaisnavism
Address: 1626 Pie IX, Montreal, QC, H1V 2C5
Phone Number: 1 (514) 521-1301
Website: http://www.iskconmontreal.com
Email: vedavdsdg@hotmail.com
Contacts Names and Titles: Nikolai Chipovalov, Brahmachari
Veda Vyasa, Sankirtan Leader
Balaram, Brahmachari
Contact information same as Mailing Address.
Date Center was Founded: Originally at a small centre on Parc Avenue in 1968; bought former United Church and converted the building in 1975.
Religious Leader and Title: Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, deceased 1977.
Lay Leader and Title: Veda Vyasa, Sankirtan Leader
Nitai, Temple President
Researcher: Noah Casey
Date: July 25, 2003

Membership/Community Size:
Though there is no official membership nor registry of all members, the community was described as having an attendance of anywhere from 50 to 400 people, dependent on weather, festival, and time of year (auspicious etc.). Regular Sunday worship service attendance is between 50-70 people. There are also 15 people living full-time in the temple.

Ethnic Composition:
Most of the live-in practitioners are Caucasian, but from many parts of the world. The variance in origination includes but is not limited to Quebecois, Ukrainian, and Russian. At the Sunday services, the community is very mixed. The practitioners hail from such diverse countries as India, Portugal, Mauritius, Brazil, Mexico, the Ukraine, Russia, Canada and many other countries.

Affiliation with Other Communities/Organizations:
The temple is a part of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON).

Activities and Schedule:
The temple celebrates all Hindu holy days as dictated by the teachings of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, and also celebrates the day of departure from this life of each of the patron saints of the movement.

The movement was established in New York City by Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1965. Credit for the first idea of the movement is given to Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, said to be a sixteenth-century incarnation of Krishna.

Wide variety of people, both in ethnicity and nationality. Age range of the practitioners from 6 months to approximately 80 years.

Description of the Centre:
A large, three-level, red brick building. There is a large yellow sign indicating the ISKCON title and the name of the temple. Interior is modestly decorated and very clean.

Centre Activities:
The centre is open for prayer every day from 07:00-19:00.
Sunday services at 17:00-19:00 and prasad (hotmeal) follows every service.
All are welcome and daycare is provided during Sunday worship.

This project is being conducted by the Asian Religion and Ethics Research Unit at McGill University